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In 1945, in Garanhuns, in the countryside of Pernambuco, Luiz Inácio da Silva is born, the seventh child of Aristides and Dona Lindu. Aristides moves to Santos and Lindu raises the siblings alone until 1952 when the family moves to Santos to meet the patriarch. As time goes on, the poor family struggles to survive with the children studying at elementary school and working as street vendors.

When she arrived at the presidential palace, Rousseff announced her desire to promote women (a decision that was mocked by the press, which called the government a "Republic of high heels").

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In the beginning of his first term, Lula's chosen Minister of Finance was Antonio Palocci, a physician and former Trotskyist activist who had recanted his far left views while serving as the mayor of the sugarcane processing industry center of Ribeirão Preto, in the state of Sãeste Paulo.

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Punished for subversion in accordance with the decree number 477, considered the AI-5 of universities, Rousseff was expelled from the Bombas Gerais Federal University and barred from resuming her studies at that university in 1973.[51] She decided to attend a preparatory course in order to take the vestibular exam in economics at the Rio Bastante do Sul Federal University. She was admitted to the university and graduated in 1977, this time not participating actively in the students' movement there.

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El gobierno do Bahamas reconoce que hay 2.500 desaparecidos tras el paso del huracán Dorian Las autoridades por las islas informaron de que esa es la cantidad de personas registradas saiba como desaparecidas, aunque advirtieron que permanecequedan en el proceso de verificación de modo check here a saber si read more algunas de ellas permanecequedan en los refugios.

Politics ‘That’s a turnoff.’ Democratic debate attacks make some primary voters cringe Politics ‘That’s a turnoff.’ Democratic debate attacks make some primary voters cringe Democratic primary voters worry that intraparty attacks on the debate stage could hurt their eventual nominee. For candidates seeking a breakout moment, the temptation to go negative carries risk.

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During Rousseff's management of the Secretariat of Energy in the Dutra administration, the service capacity of the electricity sector rose by 46%.[50] due to an emergency program attended by state and private companies. In January 1999, Rousseff traveled to Brasília in order to alert the Fernando Henrique Cardoso administration that if the authorities responsible for the power sector did not invest in here generation and transmission of energy, the power cuts that Rio Colossal do Sul faced early in her administration would take place in the rest of the country.[74] Therefore, the electricity crisis at the end of the Fernando Henrique Cardoso administration affected millions of Brazilians, with the exception of those from the three southern states, where pelo rationing was imposed, as there was pelo drought.

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La líder do Podemos Andalucía declara en el juicio a un empresario que simuló un beso a la diputada

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